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COVID-19 Mask Production& Sales 

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter and affect our daily lives, I like many other seamstresses, decided to use my sewing skills to help whomever I could. I began making fabric masks for anyone who I was able to reach whether it be through social media, word of mouth, or other connections. Since mid-March of 2020 I have made and sold 200+ fabric masks.

When I returned to my sewing job at the University of Delaware, we continued to make fabric masks for the campus population. Over the summer of 2020, I was part of a project which focused on making masks with clear panels to use in speech therapy, classroom, or other similar settings. 



  • Masks were priced at $5 each, with some going up to $8 when I was able to begin buying more fabric options. Anyone who was an essential worker, or continued working during the height of the pandemic received one free mask. 

  • All masks were double layered and will have two sets of ties, or two pieces of elastic. 

  • All the fabric I used was 100% cotton or a cotton blend that is machine washable. Fabric was pre-washed before use.

  • I had 3 different sizes available: small, medium, and large. The smalls work best for children, mediums for most adults, and larges for men. The pattern guide is posted for visual reference.

  • On average it took me two days to wash, cut, sew, and mail off masks, but this varied due to number of orders, work schedule, and style of mask produced.

  • Masks were shipped with washing instructions and contact information via the USPS through first class.

  • To inquire about mask orders or questions please email me at

Mask Examples


During this ever-changing time, we must rely on each other to keep one another safe and healthy. With these masks a multitude of everyday people were able protect themselves and those around them, while also having a bit of style thrown in. These now “normal” articles of clothing should not be scary, or something we shy away from wearing; this is our new reality and I hope that I was able to make a difference in using my skills this way. Remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and be kind to others. I also want to acknowledge medical workers, first responders, and everyone who even in quarantine were putting their lives on the line so we could continue living ours.

Thank you.

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